Face Coverings

4 years ago Mon 13th Jul 2020

Picture of 2 buses with face covering illustrations on front

Face coverings are no longer mandatory on buses, however, we recommended you still wear one whilst on board.  It is still important to keep all windows open to improve the ventilation.

What is a face covering?

A face covering is used to cover your nose and mouth whilst allowing you to breathe comfortably. It doesn’t have to be a bespoke face mask – it can be a scarf or other small item of clothing, however, the Welsh Government and the World Health Organisation recommend face coverings should have three-layers.

Face coverings provide an extra layer to help prevent the respiratory droplets from traveling in the air and onto other people.  This reduces the chance of infection when you are near to other people.  It has been found that a person can have COVID-19 and spread it to others before showing any symptoms, and even not develop symptoms themselves at all.  Wearing a face covering means that the virus is not transmitted as easily.

How to make your own face covering

The Welsh Government have created a guide to creating your own face covering.  Take a look at it here.